Big Bear Disposal, Inc. Recycling

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Big Bear Disposal, Inc. is committed to protecting the pristine environment of the Big Bear Valley. Everyone can help Big Bear Lake reach the goal of being a "zero waste" community! Big Bear Disposal, Inc. offers three easy ways to recycle!

Recycling Tips - Reduce and Reuse

Use the following tips to reduce your trash, save money and help to preserve our valuable resources.

  • Avoid disposable items whenever possible.
  • Choose durable products that can be used over and over.
  • Use the blank side of scrap paper for notes before recycling them.
  • Save plastic produce bags and paper or plastic grocery bags for reuse.
  • Switch to reusable cloth and string bags when you shop.
  • Buy in bulk whenever possible and bring your own bag or container when possible.
  • Pack lunches in reusable containers to reduce waste and save money.
  • Choose products with minimal packaging that can be recycled easily.
  • Use a reusable mug or cup for beverages, to avoid using disposable cups.
  • Repair broken or damaged items rather than replacing them.
  • Purchase quality used items such as furniture, sports equipment, toys and books at second-hand stores, garage sales or through classified ads.
  • Compost leaves and grass clippings in a home compost pile, and kitchen scraps in a worm bin.  Use the compost to improve your garden and feed house plants.
  • Buy recycled-content products whenever possible.

By supporting the efforts to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, we are able to maintain that commitment to our community.  Learn more about Reduce, Reuse and Recycle at:

For questions about what is trash and what can be recycled: What Do I Do With It?
For information about where to recycle: Where can I recycle in Big Bear Lake?