Office of Public Affairs
For Immediate Release: April 21, 2022
News Release #2022-4
Media Contact: Lance Klug
916-341-6293 | lance.klug@calrecycle.ca.gov
SACRAMENTO –Recycling just got simpler for Californians thanks to a first-ever way to find the dos and don’ts for local recycling programs in all 58 counties. The community-specific information at the new iRecycleSmart.com website and database helps residents and businesses understand how to get truly recyclable items recycled and take part in the state’s new food and yard waste recycling program.
“Californians take pride in recycling, and iRecycleSmart.com makes it easier to get the right materials in the right bin to reduce our trash footprint, protect our ocean and build a circular-use economy here in our state,” CalRecycle Director Rachel Machi Wagoner said. “With the climate in crisis and a relentless stream of single-use waste overtaking our seas and polluting our communities, California can lead the world on a path to end trash pollution.”
New Tool Part of 3 Simple Steps to Recycle Smart
Maximizing the reuse and recycling of all materials sold in California is vital to the state’s larger effort to build a circular, remanufacturing economy with less pollution. Californians can find these simple steps to help the planet at iRecycleSmart.com:
- See what’s recycled where you live with California’s first-ever local recycling database. Recycling rules vary based on what communities can sell to remanufacturers. Putting the right things in your curbside bin makes sure your recycling gets recycled.
- Keep your recycling clean by taking a moment to empty and dry your materials. Food or liquid gunk can spoil everyone’s recycling in a collection truck.
- Recycle your food and yard waste into green products like compost and clean energy. Landfilled food and yard waste gives off a climate super pollutant with 84 times the planet-heating power of carbon dioxide. Find your local food scraps recycling rules.
By cutting our waste and ensuring that products sold in our state can be recycled and remanufactured in our state, California can cut trash and climate pollution while bringing more green jobs to local communities.
Go to iRecycleSmart.com for more recycling tips, tools and resources.
Tackling the Trash Problem
- In 2020, California landfilled 40 million tons of waste, including enough plastic to fill 104,000 Olympic sized pools.
- Food, yard and other organic waste makes up 56% of what we throw away, making landfills a top source of climate pollution.
- Recycling food and yard waste and redirecting unsold food to feed people in need are among the fastest and easiest ways Californians can fight climate change right now.
- CalRecycle programs helped Californians recycle:
- 445 billion beverage containers
- 5 billion pounds of electronic waste
- 2 billion gallons of used oil
- 264 million tires
- 6 million gallons of paint
- 7 million mattresses.
- California set the highest plastic minimum recycled content goals in the world, requiring 50 percent recycled plastic in new containers by 2030.