Recycling Basics
There are a number of items that can now be accepted as recyclable thanks to advancements in technology.
Glass Bottles and Jars
Remove lids and rinse containers. No need to remove labels. Please do not include other glass such as vases, bakeware, drinking glasses, window glass or light bulbs. Include all beverage bottles (green, brown and clear glass). Recycle metal jar lids with steel cans.
Remove lids and rinse all containers. No need to remove labels. Flatten containers if possible. Plastic containers that are recyclable include those marked with the following symbols:
Steel, Tin and Bi-Metal Cans
Food cans - rinse cans. No need to remove labels. Coat hangers accepted. Empty aerosol cans - remove cap unless it is part of the can. Do not flatten or puncture can and do not remove nozzle.
Rinse aluminum cans, food trays and foil. All aluminum must be free of any food particles.
Corrugated Cardboard
Flatten cardboard boxes and place in your recycling can. If the bundle is too large, secure it with heavy string and place next to the can. Cardboard is also accepted at the Clean Bear Site in the cardboard bin.
Place newspapers loose in a recycling can or bin. Include anything that came in your newspaper such as supermarket ad inserts.
Magazines & Catalogs
Magazines and glossy catalogs can also be recycled in the can or brought to the Clean Bear Site.
Mixed Paper
Flatten all boxes and remove any liners, foil, plastic inserts, tape or metal.
Items to include:
- Junk mail
- Cereal, cracker and cookie boxes
- Wrapping paper (no foil or plastic coating)
- Greeting cards (no foil or plastic coating)
- Envelopes (window or labels ok)
- Paper bags (white or colored)
- Construction paper
- Cores from paper towel and tissue rolls
- Phone books and paperback books
- Paper milk and juice cartons, egg cartons
- Photographs
- Pet food bags
- Tissue, napkins and paper towels
Non-Recyclable Items
Non-Recyclable Items Accepted as Trash
These items should be placed in your trash can or in designated bins at the Clean Bear Sites.
- Bathroom tissue
- Bubble wrap
- Cellophane
- Clothing/Textiles
- Dishware
- Dry cleaning bags
- Facial tissue
- Food
- Food-stained/contaminated paper or containers
- Padded envelopes
- Pill bottles
- Plastic bags
- Plastic toys, bags or film plastics
- Sponges or soiled rags
- Styrofoam blocks or peanuts
- Tyved-type envelopes
- Used paper towels
- Waxed cardboard
- Wax coated boxes or paper
- Window glass
Hazardous Materials Not Accepted as Recycling or Trash
Paint, stain or adhesive compounds, medical sharps, motor oil or other hazardous materials. These items must be appropriately disposed of through a Haz-Mat program. Please see our Hazardous Materials page for information on disposing of these items.