Commercial Trash and Recycling Service
Both commercial trash and recycle cans are picked up once per week on a predesignated day of the week based on your address. Please contact our office at (909) 866-3942 for pick up day information.
The City of Big Bear Lake prohibits leaving trash cans at the curb for more than 12 hours. Trash that has been left out for an extended period of time can be alluring to local wildlife and loose pets.
Mandatory Commercial Recycling Information
Trash (Regular Non-Hazardous Waste)
You are to provide two 32 gallon trash cans.
Big Bear Disposal, Inc. will provide one 32 gallon recycle can.
Your recyclable refuse is "commingled", meaning all recyclables can be put into the recycle can together. We will be happy to provide an additional can if needed. Recyclables are transported to our facility at the Big Bear Valley Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) to be sorted.
Hot Ash Disposal
Hot ashes must be placed in a five gallon metal can and soaked for at least 48 hours prior to curbside pick up or disposal at a Clean Bear Site.
Green/Yard Waste
If you have additional refuse such as "green waste" to be picked up, contact our offices at least one day prior to your scheduled service day. We will take up to five (5) bags of pine needles per week. Call a day ahead of your regular pick up and we will take up to fifteen (15) bags of additional pine needles. Do not place pine needles in green can.
For questions about what is trash and what can be recycled: What Do I Do With It?
32 Gallon Trash Can

Recycling Container

5 Gallon Metal Container

Green / Yard Waste